Monday, October 8, 2012

Dear Readers,

Hello, I have recently been rewarded the wonderful and meaningful gift of staying home with my children. Up until now, I have prided myself on being a working mother. My mom always thought that I didn't want to stay home because I believed it was more work to leave the house! Silly, silly mom. I just never ever wanted to bake, clean, make Halloween costumes, and folks here's the deal... There is no way in hell I could ever be as awesome as my mother. 

She makes potatoes that jump from their plate onto your thighs, wiggle in there, and just stay there until you turn 35. Then God gives your entire family the skinny gene, and they are all in skinny jeans, meanwhile you look like a Hostess truck! I guess that is a whole different line of whining huh?

Anyway, so I always wanted a big family and I had a baby and my mom said. It'll be harder than you think to go back to work! Well I was 26, so I was all, hahahahahah! Mom, it is hard but I can do it so there! What do you know?

Well then I had number 2, and that was harder, and he was a  hand full. But still! We made it work! I told my mom! See this is sooooo working! I can work, Hubs can work, and we can make this work! Ha! I did it!

Then came number 3, and I had this down to an art. However, I did not anticipate that I would also be adopting a child. This is a whole different monster. It is a game changer. It's sort of like I've been playing baseball my whole life and now everyone is like, "here is this football" keep playing as if nothing is different!  But it is shaped funny, and it changes the whole game.

So here I am, starting again at 35, with 4 kids, and staying home for the first time ever. UGH! Playgroups with mommies that enjoy extreme couponing and naughty talk can find a different playmate. However, if you all are looking for a new bitchy playmate, and something snarky to read on Mondays. Well, there's a new bitch at home.


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